Hannah in Savannah!

March 26, 2008 at 8:30 am 4 comments

Hello blog world! I signed up for this blog about a month ago, but I am a busy woman with less free time than would make me happy, so I am writing now. Besides, it’s hard to find something interesting enough to warrant a FIRST BLOG POST. No normal mundane “today I had a bagel” post will do, it needed more spicy. No worries though, I just got back from a 3-day weekend trip to Savannah w/ my best friend Cheryl, who is probably one of the coolest people I know, so here we go…

We had Friday off of work for Easter so we left in the morning and started the 5 hour road trip south to not only Savannah but the outlet mall of awesomeness at Hilton Head, which is about 45 min outside of Savannah. The outlet trip was not as successful as some others have been but I did score a lovely dress from the J Crew outlet and a couple shirts from Banana Republic without managing to put too big of a dent in my wallet, bonus! 🙂

Our hotel in Savannah was right on the line between happy fun city and scary creepy place, but it was very nice on the inside and clean, plus it ended up being within walking distance of everything we wanted to do so we didn’t have to try to find parking all over the city – double bonus! We went out to dinner the first night and were tired so we ended up back at the hotel before 12am and fast asleep, until 2:30 in the freaking morning when the fire alarm of death woke us up with a sound and strobe light effect that I’m sure was not neccessary, even in the event of a fire. So after grabbing our purses and hoodies we walked down four flights of stairs to stand in the street in our pjs and watch our hotel not burn down b/c there was no fire (there never is). It was interesting to see how many people decided to get fully dressed and even bring luggage down, instead of hurrying out of the hotel to safety… I know that the hotel is never really on fire, but I feel like everyone should hurry out to satisfy the 0.05% chance that the flames are coming. Nobody wants to be the one who has to jump out the window into the parachute, right?

So day two consisted of sleeping longer than we planned due to the fire drill the night before and then heading out to explore the city. Savannah is lovely, especially when the temperature is in the mid-seventies and it’s bright and sunny outside. There were gorgeous flowers everywhere and everything was nice and clean and most of the people we encountered were nice and friendly. We ate lunch in City Market close to our hotel and then took a trolley tour to see the sights and take some pictures. There were tons of really pretty older houses and parks, and our trolley let us hop on and off at all the stops all day long if we wanted too, so it ended up working out pretty well for us. My favorite highlights would have to be Forsyth Park and the houses, I’ve always loved the wide wrap-around porches and the pretty paint colors on the houses that towns like Charleston and Savannah are full of. Here are some good examples:

Porch of Awesomeness Pretty House Mercer House Forsyth Fountain

After we were done hopping on and off the trolley for most of the day, we shopped around for a little while on River Street and then stopped back at city market where we found a nice lady in a little art shop and I bought a print and a tiny painting to take home as my souvenir of Savannah (I’ll try to add a pic later). Pretty pictures are my favorite thing to take home from my vacations, that way when I am old and gray and I can sit at home and be surrounded by memories of all the places that I’ve been to over the years. 🙂 We went to a Scottish Bar on the way back to the hotel for a beer and an afternoon snack and then we hung out and relaxed for a bit before we headed back out for shenanigans on our last night in Savannah. We ended up having a great time and Cheryl got loads of compliments on her new glasses, which are damn sexy if I may say so myself! That’s pretty much the end, since we had to get up and start heading home in the morning, over a huge bridge that I had to make sure to take pictures of for my M0nky (it’s what I do):

Bridge to Savannah

Disclaimer: Blog posts this long are not to be expected, they are to be savored… mmmm, tasty 🙂

Entry filed under: travel. Tags: .

It’s Spring! Clean everything immediately!

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. krishyana  |  March 27, 2008 at 2:40 am

    woohoo!!! nice post hon! welcome the the blogging! I would love to go visit Savannah again, it’s been a long time 🙂

  • 2. freundlyfolk  |  March 27, 2008 at 3:10 am

    savannah is awesome. we had to go there once to rescue my car (stupid transmission), but we had fun. we watched “midnight in the garden of good and evil” at around 2 a.m., which was kinda weird in a really cool way, and then went to river street the next day and bought a cat figurine and a brass corkscrew and had lunch at a groovy basement restaurant on the waterfront. good times.

  • 3. perhapsody  |  March 27, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    yay blogging!! 🙂 yeah, savannah is so pretty…especially that fountain (i actually have a very similar picture, taken on a school trip in 1991). the riverfront is my favorite area, and i’m glad they’ve been doing the whole revitalization thing, because it was all getting so run-down for a while there. >.>

    show us your prints!

  • 4. freundlyfolk  |  March 27, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    i mean…wait…


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